New website , new datacenter, new TLDs, happy New Year

1. #gandiV5: It's here!
After months of hard work, user tests, revisions, rehashing, heated debates (no fistfights to our knowledge), we're finally ready to unveil the first major revision to our site in a few years (special thanks to our devoted development team).

#gandiv5, as we're calling it, has limited functions for now, but as time goes on, we'll be adding more and more functions until it's ready to fully replace the current version.

Learn all about #gandiv5 and how to try it out:

2. Gandi Hosting: 2017
This year, we're resolving to commit ourselves to a new plan of action for our hosting service, starting from the ground up, with brand new infrastructure. This year we're also planning to give a facelift to our whole line of hosting products, which will rejuvenate them for the task
ahead. Read the master plan:

Part of the plan was to open a brand new data center with a reworked architecture we're already seeing perform much better. While it's still in Alpha testing, we think you'll like it. Find out about the new data center and how to take it for a spin:

3. 25% off for .CN
.CN is 25% off until 28 February. Happy Year of the Rooster!

4. Recently-delegated TLDs
Of course there are always, every month new gTLDs added to the root by ICANN and this past month was no exception. Of course, the story of each new TLD is usually pretty much what you expect, but sometimes there are surprises. This month we saw a few.
Prepare to be (mildly) surprised:

5. TLD Release Calendar
This month both TLD releases are just coming available in the Sunrise phase, which we think is perfectly appropriate for the new year.
Tuesday 10 January:
  • .hospital (Sunrise)
Monday 23 January:
  • .fun (Sunrise)

6. Promo Roundup
As for our promos, it's something of a fresh start as well, with a whole herd of promos ending December 31 and a new batch for the new year taking their place. It's the circle of life.

Only in January:
Ending 31 January:

New Year's promos (starting 1 January):

Ongoing promo:

Happy New Year again! Did we miss any resolutions? Do you have some to share with us? If you have any thoughts or comments for us about the new site, #gandiv5, please feel free to share them at

Otherwise, drop us a line with your resolutions, New Year's wishes, and
any thing else on:
and on the #gandi channel on Freenode.

Sincerely, The Gandi Team
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