Product Update Jan 2017

2017 Roadmap: What's Shipping Next
Our CTO Julia Austin wrote a blog post recapping 2016 milestones and sharing what’s in store for DigitalOcean in 2017. Take a look at what motivates the products we build and what’s to come here.

Here’s a look at specific products and updates covered in the blog:

Guest Agent Powered Droplet Graphs
Memory and disk space graphs are now available! We've gathered the knowledge that we've learned involving telemetry and performance observability and poured it into an open-source project called do-agent. The agent helps you get a better picture of the health of your Droplets by adding several new graphs to the Droplet graphs page, and making the existing graphs much more precise. (These upgrades are available for free.)

For more details, read the blog post or follow the tutorial on getting started.

Monitoring Beta
The same DigitalOcean Agent that enables improved graphs above also serves as an essential building block for Monitoring. With access to stats on CPU, memory, disk space and network utilization, our new Monitoring Beta allows you to create an Alert Policy that notifies you when a Droplet hits a defined threshold. Our beta currently supports notifications via email and Slack, and more options are on the roadmap. Sign up here for early access.

Load Balancers are coming
Scale your applications and improve availability for your users. Load Balancers automatically distribute incoming traffic across your infrastructure, and are managed entirely from the DigitalOcean control panel or API—no ops needed. Sign up here to get notified about updates.

Other DO Updates
Here are some recent changes in the control panel and beyond:
  • DNS UI/UX refresh and custom TTLs. We’ve updated the look and feel of the DNS page on the control panel. As part of this refresh, we’ve also added the ability to customize TTLs associated with your domain records.
  • Network throughput improvements. All Droplets in all datacenters have had their network throughput increased from 1G to 2G. This has been automatically implemented—no further action on your part!
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