What’s Shipping Next on DigitalOcean

2017 was an exciting year for DigitalOcean and we shipped more products and features than ever before. We introduced several new products including Load Balancers, Monitoring and Alerts, Cloud Firewalls, High CPU Droplets and Spaces.

In 2018 we will continue making it simple for businesses to scale their applications in production. Some of the releases you can expect include:
  • Droplets in More Shapes and Sizes
  • Deployment with Containers
  • Enhancements to Security and Privacy
  • Spaces in More Regions with More Features
  • Enhancements to the Developer Experience and a Marketplace
Please take a look at the blog post for the details, including early access sign ups and ways to provide your feedback. We are very excited about our 2018 roadmap and can’t wait to hear your feedback!
Выделенные серверы OVH
Выделенные серверы Hetzner

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