планируется ребрендинг

Заменяется на

Теперь все проекты с DKIM с специального домена

  • Сервер для рассылок — есть.
  • Домен для storage — есть.
  • Технические поддомены для IP — есть.
  • Технические информационные домены для проектов типо hostsuki.info — есть.
  • SSL сертификаты — есть.
  • Надежный дата-центр OVH — есть.

Что еще нужно для проекта в 2015 году? :)

Сегодня мы хотим объявить конкурс

Сегодня мы хотим объявить конкурс, в котором подарим флешку на 8Gb одному из наших дорогих подписчиков. Для участия в конкурсе не нужно ничего покупать, а условия просты до безобразия.

Нужно всего-лишь
  • Вступить в нашу группу — SyncWeb
  • Сделать репост данной записи к себе на стену

Победителя, среди тех кто сделал репост, мы объявим 31 мая при помощи генератора случайных чисел.

Всем удачи

World Press Freedom Day, but also a vigil of individual liberties

This is a month of contrasts, where the liberty of the Press is honoured, while at the same time the French government is working to pass a bill that goes against the notion of liberty, but is doing so in its name. Though some may see us as alarmist, many are those that, like ourselves, are worried about the consequences that this law might have if it is declared constitutional.Aside from all this, life goes on, and promos abound at the end of this newsletter, including great promos on popular French extensions. You will also find our usual calendar of new gTLD releases.

1. World Press Freedom Day
There are celebration days for just about everything now. However there
are some that are more important than others. May 3rd was World Press
Freedom Day. This year, it took on a particular importance, since the
word «freedom» has been on everyone's lips recently and is the subject of
many debates that are capital to us, and which call into question
fundamental rights in this period of the opening up of the world thanks
to the internet.

To celebrate this day, and in association with the .PRESS registry, we
are having a promo on the new .PRESS extension, at €14 excl. VAT under A
rates, for every 1-year creation (instead of €69.20 excl. VAT), until
the end of the month of May.

2. In contrast, the new French surveillance law
On May 5th, the French National Assembly moved forward on the new French
surveillance law project — something that we have been actively working
against since the beginning of April. This bill excludes the
surveillance procedures from judicial oversight and therefore creates a
real breach in the fundamental principles of democracy.

The text will, at present, be sent to the Senate, where it will be
examined in June before being submitted to the Joint Committee of the
Two Chambers. It is only following this negotiation that it will be
presented to the Constitutional Council and subsequently voted on, when
it would take effect.

We will continue working side-by-side with the association «La
Quadrature du Net» and the #nipigeonsniespions movement on this topic,
to try and get the bill modified so that it better respects fundamental
liberties. Internally, we will continue to look for technical solutions
that will provide you with the ability to chose le geographic location
where your data is stored.

3. May new gTLD release calendar
Here's our calendar of expected domain releases for the month of May, 2015.
As usual, it is not exhaustive, and is subject to change as we receive
additional information from the registries:

Tuesday, May 12:
.design (GoLive)

Sunday, May 17:
.bingo (3-day Landrush)
.chat (3-day Landrush)
.style (3-day Landrush)
.tennis (3-day Landrush)

Monday, May 18:
.bank (Sunrise)

Tuesday, May 19:
.jewelry (Sunrise)
.show (Sunrise)
.team (Sunrise)

Wednesday, May 20:
.bingo (GoLive)
.chat (GoLive)
.style (GoLive)
.tennis (GoLive)

Thursday, May 21:
.irish (Landrush)

Sunday, May 24:
.apartments (Landrush 3 jours)

Wednesday, May 27:
.apartments (GoLive)

Sunday, May 31:
.casino (3-day Landrush)
.football (3-day Landrush)
.school (3-day Landrush)

4. Multi-year promo for .FR (and other AFNIC-managed domains)
With highly-awaited arrival of the ability to register .FR domains for
more than one year at a time, we have decided to put in place a promo
for the entire month of May for every .FR created for 5 years or more,
with a price of €9 excl. VAT per year instead of the usual €12 excl. VAT
under A rates. We are also providing a rebate of 10% (via the promo
code: FR5PLUS) on refunds for 5-years or more for existing .FR domains.
More details on this promo are available at:

6. -50% on .AT domains for May and June
The official extension of Australia is being offered at half-price for
all 1-year creations during the month of May and June 2015, in all price
More information is available at:

7. Promo roundup
Here is a reminder of domain name promos that are currently under way:

.MX domains will be on promo at -66% for all creations for one year and
in all price rates through May 16.
More on this at:

The .CO.COM is having a promo of 60% off all price rates, for all
creations (1 to 10 years) through June 30. The price of a CO.COM during
this period is €11.76 excl. VAT per year instead of €29.39 excl. VAT
under A rates.

The .XYZ is currently in promotion for new 1-year creations at the very
affordable price of €4 excl VAT under A rates, instead of €10.48 excl.
VAT through June 30th.

The .ME is on sale until the end of the year, at 40% off the normal price
for one-year creations. This means a .ME for €9.60 excl. VAT instead of €16
under A rates.

The .SCIENCE promo has been prolonged until May 24th, and you therefore
have a bit more time to benefit from this extension at only €3 excl. VAT
for 1-year creations.

Asia is in in the spotlight for the first half of 2015 thanks to a -50%
promo on .ASIA and .IN until July 1st, with creations for .ASIA at €9
excl. VAT instead of €18 excl. VAT and .IN at €6.25 excl. VAT instead of
€12.50 under A rates.

.CLUB is offering an incredible promo until the end of 2015, at €8.26
excl. VAT instead of €10.33 under A rates:

Uniregistry is offering 50% off on .gift, .hiphop, .hosting, .link,
.pics and .property through the end of June:

The RightSide registry is offering a discount of 25% off the price of a
one-year creation on TLDs in the following list: .ACTOR, .AUCTION,
.SOCIAL until the end of June:

Namecheap's big secret!

Get the Tools That Rule
Why apps? Namecheap CEO Rick Kirkendall says «Our vision is a free and open internet, and customers are our first priority. We constantly strive to provide best-in-class services and products that meet customer needs.»

Namecheap wants to provide everything you need to build your own winning web presence. Once you have the solid foundation of domain and hosting in place, you're ready for the tools to finish the job, and that's what you'll find in our new Apps shop. We have grab-n-go tools for site creation, logo design, uptime monitoring, legal services, traffic boosting and beyond. Everything's available for immediate download, and more apps are on their way.

Apps is currently in Beta, so it's a great time to tell us what you think. Please take a look around and then send us your feedback here. Thanks! We hope you love it.

Find Your Voice with .PRESS
May is World Press Freedom Month, and Namecheap's guiding vision is one of free expression online, for everybody. So this is a no-brainer for us. In support of universal freedom of the press, we're offering .press domain names for nearly free. Throughout the month of May, you can get a .press for only $9.88 ($50 off the usual one-year registration rate). The .press TLD was created to honor journalists who give voice to the voiceless.

This Month's Coupons
Here are a couple of additional coupon codes for May. They're valid through the end of the month. Enjoy.
  • REGXFERMAY = standard discounts on your .com, .net, .org, .info or .biz registration/transfer
  • HOSTINGBBQ = 10% off first billing cycle of VPS hosting

As always, it's our pleasure to serve you.
Thanks for your business!
Team Namecheap

Увеличение стоимости доменных имен в зонах .ru и .рф

Уважаемый клиент!

В связи с подорожанием стоимости доменов у основных регистраторов, хотим Вас проинформировать, что стоимость продления или регистрации нового домена в зоне .ru и.рф составит — 399 р.
Просим отнестись к этой вынужденной мере с пониманием.

С Уважением,
ООО «Глобальные телекоммуникации»

Запуск услуги «Виртуальное приватное облако»

Зачем это нужно: сценарии использования
Как уже было отмечно в предыдущей публикации, услуга «Виртуальное приватное облако» будет особенно интересна корпоративным клиентам. С помощью нашего сервиса они смогут получить следующие преимущества:
  • Существенное снижение расходов на «железо». На базе арендованных ресурсов облака можно разворачивать сотни проектов, и это будет обходиться значительно дешевле по сравнению с использованием реального «железа»: отпадёт необходимость приобретать дорогостоящее оборудование и привлекать дополнительный персонал для его обслуживания.
  • Простота планирования затрат. Аренда вычислительных ресурсов облака тарифицируется по гибкой и прозрачной схеме, что позволяет точно подсчитывать расходы и прогнозировать экономию, которую даёт использование VPC.
  • Скорость развёртывания инфраструктуры. В VPC можно в считанные минуты настроить виртуальную инфраструктуру с необходимыми характеристиками. Из соответствующим образом настроенного облака можно, например, без проблем развернуть ИТ-инфраструктуру для нового офиса. С масштабированием также не будет возникать серьёзных проблем: в случае необходимости всегда можно просто докупить новые ресурсы.


Новые выгодные тарифы услуги «Аудит безопасности сайта»!

Новые выгодные тарифы услуги «Аудит безопасности сайта»!
Обновлённый сервис «Аудит безопасности сайта» позволит получить полную информацию о степени защиты вашего сайта и воспользоваться полезными рекомендациями. А главное — всё это по сниженным выгодным ценам. Теперь клиентам REG.RU стали доступны 2 новых тарифа: «Экспресс» и «Комплексный». Ещё одним важным нововведением стала возможность подписки. С ней в течение месяца вы в автоматическом режиме будете получать актуальные отчёты о состоянии безопасности сайта и информацию о новых уязвимостях.
Заказать аудит безопасности сайта