C2: Insanely Affordable x86-64 Servers
Cloud Riders, we have some exciting news today: our new servers offers are now available! The C2 is now ready and at an insanely low price.
Let's go straight to the point, today we're launching the C2, our new BareMetal server, in 3 different variants starting at €11.99 per month or €0.024 per hour:
Like the C1, this price includes 50GB of SSD storage upgradable up to 1TB per server in a few clicks. For the first time on market, we're introducing next generation 2500Base-X networking as a standard feature with one 2500Base-X NIC on the C2S and two 2500Base-X NICs on the C2M and C2L, allowing for 5Gbit/s of internal bandwidth.
You can get up to 800Mbit/s of internet bandwidth with unlimited transfer, you won't get any bad surprise with bandwidth fees!
The C2 server has been designed in our HQ in Paris, it's based on Intel Avoton SoCs for a maximum of efficiency.
We're also introducing a new type of SSD on our C2L offer: Direct SSD. Direct SSDs (DSSD) are directly connected SSDs to the server through a SATA port to remove all bottlenecks. DSSDs are made for distributed database or data intensive applications. The C2L comes with 250GB of Direct SSD. Keep in mind that DSSD are tied to the physical server, they will be erased when you stop your server from the control panel.
Let's go straight to the point, today we're launching the C2, our new BareMetal server, in 3 different variants starting at €11.99 per month or €0.024 per hour:
Like the C1, this price includes 50GB of SSD storage upgradable up to 1TB per server in a few clicks. For the first time on market, we're introducing next generation 2500Base-X networking as a standard feature with one 2500Base-X NIC on the C2S and two 2500Base-X NICs on the C2M and C2L, allowing for 5Gbit/s of internal bandwidth.
You can get up to 800Mbit/s of internet bandwidth with unlimited transfer, you won't get any bad surprise with bandwidth fees!
The C2 server has been designed in our HQ in Paris, it's based on Intel Avoton SoCs for a maximum of efficiency.
We're also introducing a new type of SSD on our C2L offer: Direct SSD. Direct SSDs (DSSD) are directly connected SSDs to the server through a SATA port to remove all bottlenecks. DSSDs are made for distributed database or data intensive applications. The C2L comes with 250GB of Direct SSD. Keep in mind that DSSD are tied to the physical server, they will be erased when you stop your server from the control panel.