Picking up steam in September

1. #gandiV5: Coming soon
Gandi V5 is, of course, still a work in progress. We still have to get a couple more features ported over to the new platform and while the features on the new platform are in place, there's still some minor tweaks we'd like to make on the interface and site design.
That said, as we're putting these last pieces into place, we're getting closer and closer to completion.
See what's left to roll out and when to expect it: news.gandi.net/en/2017/08/gandiv5-ready-for-takeoff/?pk_campaign=nl-201709-en-uk

2. Simple Hosting S+ now available
One of those pieces we'd like to highlight is that our new SSL certificate management interface is now available on Gandi V5.
Along with the introduction of this new interface, we're also introducing a new Simple Hosting instance size: S+. A size S+ instance allows you to install SSL certificates (not available on size S), without having to upgrade to a size M, which often includes more resources than those who manage smaller websites need, and is therefore not as economical.
Find out how you can benefit from these new possibilities: news.gandi.net/en/2017/08/ssl-certificates-on-gandiv5/?pk_campaign=nl-201709-en-uk

3. Closing FR-SD2: a new migration plan
And looking at our objectives for the rest of the year, now that FR-SD3 is up and running and FR-SD5 and FR-SD6 are on their way, in anticipation of closing FR-SD2 later this year, we're suggesting that those hosting on FR-SD2 start the process of migration now.
Since we first communicated about this closure and the required migration, we've made some tweaks to the process, especially some we made by popular demand after hearing your input.
Follow the new migration plan: news.gandi.net/en/2017/08/fr-sd2-closure-and-migration-plan/?pk_campaign=nl-201709-en-uk

4. Gandi Events
At the beginning of this month, Gandi participated in the APNIC 44 conference in Taichung, Taiwan.
APNIC is the Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre, the regional registry for the entire Asia-Pacific region.
Among other things, Gandi attended talks about the Root Zone KSK Rollover and IPv6 and security.
Read all about Gandi's participation: news.gandi.net/en/2017/09/gandi-participates-at-apnic-44-conference/?pk_campaign=nl-201709-en-uk
And coming up at the beginning of next month, from 5 through 7 October, Gandi will be one of the sponsors of the 12th edition of Paris Web. Several of our team members will be attending, so if you plan on going yourselves, let us know! We'd be happy to meet up.
Sign up for or find out more about Paris Web: www.paris-web.fr/

5. TLD release calendar
This month, only one TLD will be, or in this case has been, released:
  • .boston entered the GoLive phase on 15 September.

6. Promo Roundup
And finally it's time for this month's promo roundup! As we mentioned
above, after a bit of a dry spell, we had quite a few promos this month:
.cloud £9.00 until 30 June 2018:
.pw for £0.40 until 31 December:
.im for £5.20 until 30 September:
.wales and .cymru until 30 September:
.club £2.00 until 30 September:
.mx £14.00 until 30 September:
.shop £2.50 until 30 September:

There are plenty of ongoing promos as well:
Radix domain creations and renewals:
.asia 70% off until 31 December:
.org for 2 years at 15% off:
.top £1.50 until 31 December:
.info £4.99 until 31 December:

Donuts TLDs on sale:
.pro 50% off until 31 December: news.gandi.net/en/2017/02/go-pro-this-spring-at-half-price/?pk_campaign=nl-201709-en-uk

Be sure to check the Promotions tag on our news site for updates:

And with that we look forward to the more swiftly-moving months ahead that will propel us into the end of the year, which should bring along with it the completion of the process we launched at the beginning of this year.

Of course, none of this is possible without your input. If you'd like to share your thoughts on our newsletter, feel free to email us at newsletter-en@gandi.net. For all general feedback, email feedback@gandi.net.

You can also reach us on Twitter @gandibar or in the #gandi channel on Freenode. \o/

Sincerely, Gandi.net

August upgrades

Over the course of 2017 we've been slowly re-introducing the new versions of our core services in the new version of our site, #gandiv5, and throughout the process, rethinking our approach. This month marks something of a turning point, though. While some products and features will be deployed on v5 in the weeks and months to come, we've changed gears into full upgrade mode. And this month especially has been packed with upgrades.
This month, we introduced a new and improved Dashboard in v5, overhauled our free Gandi Mail service (and purchasable enhancements) as we introduced it on the new site, took a look at what's to come in the next few months, announced a change in direction regarding virtualisation solutions as we continue to upgrade our datacenter infrastructure, and update our server setup scripts in part to accommodate this infrastructure upgrade as well.

And while no new gTLDs are in the forecast this month, we'll close out as always with the TLD Promo Roundup.

1. #gandiv5 Gets a New Dashboard
One upgrade as of late was the enhancement of #gandiv5 with a new dashboard that makes domain name and hosting management much simpler than the dashboard we initially released.

Most notably, a search bar has been added to search for domains and other products, and an option to display all products has also been added in order to provide more ready access to the management tools you need.

Learn all the details from our announcement: news.gandi.net/en/2017/07/gandiv5-gets-a-new-dashboard/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

2. Introducing the new Gandi Mail
As mentioned above, we also took the opportunity presented by re-working the Gandi Mail product to fit with our new site to rethink the structure of Gandi Mail altogether.

This year, we introduced a new Webmail service [link] and Sieve server rules along with that.

Now, the new and improved Gandi Mail includes at the free level, includes two mailboxes instead of five, but each of these can store up to 3 GB of data instead of the 1 GB global quota previously. We also introduced new options for upgarding your service.

Get acquainted with the new Gandi Mail by reading our write-up about it: news.gandi.net/en/2017/08/introducing-the-new-gandi-mail/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

3. #gandiv5: Ready for takeoff
All of this upgrading, though, is really preparation for the final, full launch of #gandiv5. We’ll continue adding products and features of the course of the next few weeks and months, but #gandiv5 is getting ready for ignition.

We published a rough outline of how things will go from here on out, including when products only available on our legacy site will be deployed on v5.

Take a peak at what’s to come in our summary from this month: news.gandi.net/en/2017/08/gandiv5-ready-for-takeoff/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

4. Gandi Cloud: A more Xen future
The future is looking more Xen as we continue to upgrade our hosting infrastructure, particularly as it pertains to FR-SD3, our latest and greatest datacenter.

In the process of upgrading, we discovered that for various reasons, Xen made more sense for our virtualization solution than HVM. We took this insight and ran with it and now the future of hosting at Gandi, then, is looking a bit more Xen.

See what the future has in store and what that means for you: news.gandi.net/en/2017/07/a-more-xen-future/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

5. Improvements to server setup scripts
Another improvement thanks in part to our new datacenter was the improvements we made to our server setup scripts.
Find out more about the improvements we made: news.gandi.net/en/2017/07/improvements-to-server-setup-scripts/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

6. Promo Roundup
And now’s where we get to the part of this month’s newsletter where you get a chance to improve your domain name portfolio by taking advantage of any of the fine selection of TLD promos we’ve lassoed up for you this month:

Get a .me for less this August: news.gandi.net/en/2017/08/do-you-want-me/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

Ongoing promotions:
It’s a festival of Radix domain creations and renewals Great deals abound on Radix domain creations and renewals, including promos on .tech, .online, and more: news.gandi.net/en/2017/07/its-a-festival-of-radix-domain-creations-and-renewals/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

For the rest of the year, .asia is 70% off The .asia TLD is on sale until 2018, and soon it opens up to those outside of Asia: news.gandi.net/en/2017/07/for-the-rest-of-the-year-asia-is-70-off/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

Get .org-anized for two years at 15% off Organize your org with a .org for two years at 15% off: news.gandi.net/en/2017/06/get-org-anized-for-two-years-at-15-off/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

.blog domains are on sale Get a customized domain for your blog, on sale: news.gandi.net/en/2017/06/blog-domains-are-on-sale/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

Stay on .top with a renewal promo Are you on .top? Stay that way by renewing your .top domain by the end of the year: news.gandi.net/en/2017/06/stay-on-top-with-a-renewal-promo/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

Latest info: .info, is on promo Get a .info from now until the end of 2017: news.gandi.net/en/2017/06/latest-info-info-is-on-promo/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-uk

Fresh TLDs for sale We've got a bumper crop of TLD promos this spring and summer from Donuts: news.gandi.net/en/2017/03/Fresh-TLDs-for-sale/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-uk

Go .pro this spring at half-price Going .pro will cost less for the first year until December, 2017: news.gandi.net/en/2017/02/go-pro-this-spring-at-half-price/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-uk

We’ll be back again to round up some promos next month too, but in the meantime, you can catch them out there on the range on the Promos page of the new Gandi News site: news.gandi.net/en/category/promotions-en/?pk_campaign=nl-201708-en-eu

Upgrading is a process that never ends, of course, even when the major upgrades are complete. This year has been all about upgrades, really, but as we outlined above, this month in particular has brought us some of the more striking and exciting changes.

That’s all we have for now, but check in again next month for the latest improvements, updates, and upgrades.

Sincerely, Gandi.net

Launching our new platform

At the end of December 2016, after several months of hard work, we took the first step in launching our new platform, #gandiv5, by introducing it in beta: news.gandi.net/en/10218-The-first-step

We are imminently grateful for all the valuable, constructive feedback. Since then, we've been able to deploy this new platform, that we're calling #gandiv5, progressively, country by country.

And now we are happy to invite you to visit the new site at www.gandi.net.

While certain key functionalities have not yet been integrated into this platform, especially for those managing large domain name portfolios, this beta version allows you to manage most to all day-to-day operations on your domain names.

Important! Please note that the following products are not yet available on this new website:

In both cases, you'll have to login with your current Gandi handle (ex: AB1234-GANDI) and password.

One critical caveat of course is that any domain name registered on gandiv5 will not be available through the legacy interface v4.gandi.net/); you will only be able to manage them from the new platform.

You can keep track of the latest #gandiv5 news and updates here: news.gandi.net/en?tag=v5

As has been the case throughout the whole process, we would love to hear your feedback! If you have thoughts, comments, bugs, errors, general impressions, worries, hopes, fears and/or dreams, feel free to share them with us by emailing feedback@gandi.net or by contacting our Customer Care team who would be happy to help you out of any situation you may find yourself stuck in.

Sincerely, Gandi.net

What was old is new

This past month has been one of rejuvenation. As we continue the process of reimagining our site with #gandiv5, everything that felt like immutable constants is being reexamined and reconsidered, even when it doesn’t have to do directly with our site. The result is that what was old is now suddenly, well, new again.

The way our site handles rights management for domains is one example. With #gandiv5, we greatly improved our site’s capacity to accommodate diverse organisational structures, and this month we walked through a relatively simple, fairly common example. We also took an opportunity to revisit an old feature that may nonetheless feel new to some: automatic renewals.

And then, with a change in our relationship to the respective registries, we’ve been able to re-introduce the TLDs .ie and .gl outside of the context of our Corporate services programme. A registry migration of .io also produced some new rules to that TLD as well.

Finally, as always, we peaked ahead to new TLD releases and rounded up the many promos starting in July (and those that are ongoing).

1. #gandiV5 Organisations & teams
With #gandiv5, we’ve been rethinking and reimagining a lot of the core principles of how our domain name registration and management platform works. We’ve long felt the rights management structure in v4 of our site based on whois contact roles (with only four definable roles: Owner, Admin, Tech, and Billing) was cumbersome. That was one thing we set out to improve.

In the new version of our site, your options for rights management at Gandi are wider than ever. To illustrate what’s new, we walked through a common scenario now simplified with the new rights management system.

Come walk through an example with us:

2. Don't miss an expiration: autorenew
Missing a domain expiration date can be embarrassing or damaging. But there’s a way to ensure you don’t miss an expiration date ever with Gandi’s automatic renewal. Activating this feature along with keeping a balance on your prepaid account will help prevent ever having to experience downtime due to a domain that hasn’t been renewed.

Find out how to never miss an expiration date again:

3. Two not-so-new TLDs available
This June, Gandi obtained direct accreditation with two ccTLD (country-code TLD) registries whose domains have long been available at Gandi only with a Corporate subscription.

Now, we are pleased to say that .ie domains and .gl domains are available at Gandi without needing a corporate subscription. All the other registry-specific rules still apply, but these domains are now, notably, available to those with individual handles.

Find out more about .ie:

Get the DL on .gl:

4. New Rules for .io domains
On June 10, .io underwent a technical migration. For the most part, everything stays the same, but some new rules have been added, especially when it comes to renewing a domain name. Particularly if that renewal comes late.

Read the full description of the new .io rules:

5. TLD Release Calendar
As was the case last month, this month is another slow month for TLD releases, with .africa having already entered the Landrush phase 4 July. Next up: .boston enters the Sunrise phase 1 August. Keep track below:
Tuesday 4 July:
  • .africa (Landrush)

Tuesday 1 August:
  • .boston (Sunrise)

Or follow new TLD releases on Gandi News:

6. Promo Roundup
It’s time to round up this month’s promos. Saddle up!

Between two registries offering promos on a large swath of their TLD
portfolios, over 24 TLDs came on promo on 1 July:

Thirteen TLDs of all stripes on sale:

After opening to non-corporate customers, .IE is on sale:

It’s a festival of Radix domain creations and renewals:

For the rest of the year, .asia is 70% off:

Many more are still on promo now that were before:

Get .org-anized for two years at 15% off:

.BLOG domains are on sale:

Stay on .top with a renewal promo:

Latest info: .info, is on promo:

World Press Freedom month promo on .press:

Fresh TLDs for sale:

Go .pro this spring at half-price:

Round up our promos yourselves in their new habitat: the promos category
page on our new news site:

That’s all the old things made new this month.

Where we're at with gandiv5, FR-SD3 official opening, and domain name secondary market

1. Where we're at with #gandiv5
It's been a few months since we first announced the launch of #gandiv5 and with four months of updates, new releases, openings, and feature adding, we're checking in on #gandiv5 to see how it's coming along and look forward to what's still to come.
See where we've been and where we're going:

2. FR-SD3 offical opening
While we initially expected to take FR-SD3 out of beta on 20 March, we decided to extend the Beta phase, but now it's ready for a grand opening. On 1 May we gave our official fifteen day warning that FR-SD3 will be officially opening on 15 May.
Find out what that means or just keep reading about FR-SD3:

3. The domain name secondary market
We've been selling domains since 1999 so it's no news that domain names are commodities and while it's existed from the beginning, the secondary domain name market has been attracting some attention lately.
We made some comments this month that might be of interest to anyone interested in investing in domain names.
Learn about the secondary market:

4. Recently-delegated TLDs
Also of interest to domainers and people generally interested in domain names and especially the process of introducing new ones, this month after a bit of a hiatus. ICANN's delegation process has slowed to a trickle, though the TLDs being delegated are increasingly interesting in terms of the insight they provide into the arcane mechanisms of the TLD application and contention processes.

Delve deeper into recently-delegated TLDs:

5. TLD Release Calendar
If you missed the first TLD release this month, we hope you have a chance to register the second.
Monday 8 May:
  • .health (Sunrise)
Wednesday 10 May:
  • .art (GoLive)

7. Promo Roundup
Let's talk promos.

Only in May (1-31 May):

Starting 1 May:

Ending in May:

Ongoing Promotions:

That's all we have for May. Check back in with us in a few for June's newsletter.

Sincerely, The Gandi Team

Free snapshots, Sieve filters and more

A good, deep spring cleaning can really shake off the old, stale wintery feeling in a place and bring in new freshness and life. Deep, dark corners that haven't seen the light all year get swept out, furniture and even clothes get replaced and rearranged. It starts to seem like not even the same house anymore (or studio flat as the case may be).

But that kind of change is good, we think, and it's just the kind of spring cleaning we've been doing in every corner this spring. If you've been following us the last few months, you already know about a few.

This month, our new data centre infrastructure, FR-SD3, which we introduced in alpha testing earlier this year, is now in beta. We introduced free snapshots on Simple Hosting and then added an extra 10 Gb of storage to 20 Gb of storage free per instance. We also rolled out sieve server rules on Gandi Mail allowing free email filtering, sorting, auto-reply and more through our new SOGo webmail platform. We're also in Copenhagen this week for ICANN58. We have a brief update about .tel domains to make sure you're all aware of and then on to the TLD release calendar and promo roundup for March.

1. FR-SD3 is now in Beta
One area we've been freshening up lately is our hosting infrastructure. It was to that end that we introduced a new data centre earlier this year, FR-SD3. Since that introduction, FR-SD3 has been in alpha testing, but, everything having gone well so far, we're ready to take it into the beta phase.

Find out when and what that will mean for you:

2. Update: Snapshots, 20 Gb storage now free on Simple Hosting
Speaking of hosting, on our Simple Hosting platform, we introduced free snapshots on Simple Hosting instances. Snapshots are a great tool for creating and scheduling backups.
Get the relevant details on this change: news.beta.gandi.net/en/10785-Free-Snapshots-on-Simple-Hosting
And not only that, we are now increasing the default disk size for Simple Hosting instances up to 20 Gb.
Check our announcement for specifics:

3. Filters, sorting, and auto-reply on Gandi Mail
Last month we introduced SOGo, our new webmail platform, in beta and this month we introduced the next development in our rethinking of our mail service: sieve server rules.

For those who are not familiar with Sieve, this means that you can add rules to your mailboxes, like spam filters, out-of-office replies, and sorting into folders.

Read how to activate and use Sieve filters:

4. Gandi at ICANN
This week from 11 March through 16 March, ICANN, the non-profit corporation that sets policy for all domains on the internet, is holding a public meeting in Copenhagen — ICANN 58. And representatives from Gandi will be there!

If you're there too, let us know. We'd be happy to meet up. Otherwise, these public meetings are great chances for, well, the public to weigh in on issues affecting internet policy. Even if you can't attend in person, many presentations and events have online chatrooms where anyone who registers can ask questions. Find out more and participate from the meeting schedule page:

5. Changes to .tel domains
Finally, a bit of housekeeping before we get on to the TLD release calendar and Promo roundup. The registry for .tel domains recently announced changes that will impact everyone with a .tel domain and anyone interested in getting one.
In short, these domains will no longer have to be directly linked to telephony.
If you have one of these domains, be sure to have a look:

6. TLD Release Calendar
Wednesday 15 March:
  • .hospital (Landrush)
  • .企业 (.xn--vhquv, Chinese for «company») (Landrush)
  • .商店 (.xn--czrs0t, Chinese for «shop») (Landrush)
  • .娱乐 (.xn--fjq720a, Chinese for «entertainment») (Landrush)
  • .游戏 (.xn--unup4y, Chinese for «games») (Landrush)

Wednesday 22 March:
  • .hospital (GoLive)
  • .企业 (.xn--vhquv) (GoLive)
  • .商店 (.xn--czrs0t) (GoLive)
  • .娱乐 (.xn--fjq720a) (GoLive)
  • .游戏 (.xn--unup4y) (GoLive)

7. Promo Roundup
And now let's round up some promos.
Only in March, all month:
Starting 1 March:

Starting 7 March:

Ending 31 March:

Ongoing promos:

That's it for spring cleaning this month. If it seems like a lot of change, we're just cleaning house.

If you'd like to reach us, feel free:

New website , new datacenter, new TLDs, happy New Year

1. #gandiV5: It's here!
After months of hard work, user tests, revisions, rehashing, heated debates (no fistfights to our knowledge), we're finally ready to unveil the first major revision to our site in a few years (special thanks to our devoted development team).

#gandiv5, as we're calling it, has limited functions for now, but as time goes on, we'll be adding more and more functions until it's ready to fully replace the current version.

Learn all about #gandiv5 and how to try it out: news.beta.gandi.net/en/10215-Gandi-s-new-platform-it-s-here

2. Gandi Hosting: 2017
This year, we're resolving to commit ourselves to a new plan of action for our hosting service, starting from the ground up, with brand new infrastructure. This year we're also planning to give a facelift to our whole line of hosting products, which will rejuvenate them for the task
ahead. Read the master plan: news.beta.gandi.net/en/10257-About-hosting-at-Gandi-in-2017

Part of the plan was to open a brand new data center with a reworked architecture we're already seeing perform much better. While it's still in Alpha testing, we think you'll like it. Find out about the new data center and how to take it for a spin: news.beta.gandi.net/en/10365-New-datacenter-for-hosting-services-in-Paris

3. 25% off for .CN
.CN is 25% off until 28 February. Happy Year of the Rooster! news.beta.gandi.net/en/10281-.CN-for-just-US-7.60-6-33EUR-per-year

4. Recently-delegated TLDs
Of course there are always, every month new gTLDs added to the root by ICANN and this past month was no exception. Of course, the story of each new TLD is usually pretty much what you expect, but sometimes there are surprises. This month we saw a few.
Prepare to be (mildly) surprised: www.gandi.net/news/en/2017-01-11/10359-recently-delegated_tlds_january_2017/

5. TLD Release Calendar
This month both TLD releases are just coming available in the Sunrise phase, which we think is perfectly appropriate for the new year.
Tuesday 10 January:
  • .hospital (Sunrise)
Monday 23 January:
  • .fun (Sunrise)

6. Promo Roundup
As for our promos, it's something of a fresh start as well, with a whole herd of promos ending December 31 and a new batch for the new year taking their place. It's the circle of life.

Only in January:
Ending 31 January:

New Year's promos (starting 1 January):

Ongoing promo:

Happy New Year again! Did we miss any resolutions? Do you have some to share with us? If you have any thoughts or comments for us about the new site, #gandiv5, please feel free to share them at feedback@gandi.net.

Otherwise, drop us a line with your resolutions, New Year's wishes, and
any thing else on:
and on the #gandi channel on Freenode.

Sincerely, The Gandi Team


New location FR-SD3

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer l'ouverture en Alpha de la première instance de notre toute nouvelle architecture de points de présence, le centre de données FR-SD3. Entièrement conçu par nos équipes et reposant sur du matériel flambant neuf, il représente l'avenir de notre infrastructure d'hébergement. Nos tests de performance sont très satisfaisants: nous mesurons environ 30% de performances supplémentaires sur les CPUs, une très grosse amélioration de la latence d'accès aux disques (plus de deux fois plus rapide) et des accès mémoire 30% plus rapides eux aussi.


Last 2016 newsletter, all about milestones

1. ICANN policy update
We start off with no surer indicator of the passage of time than an ICANN policy update.
This time around, the change is two-sided. The downside of it is that changing an email address for the owner of a domain name is now a little more complicated. Such a change is now tantamount to changing the owner of the domain in terms of the authorization required. The upside of it is that ICANN will now allow us as your registrar to act as a designated agent. That means that with some contractual modifications, we will be able to skip the authorization steps and update the email on your account like normal. Unfortunately, that feature is not yet available, but will be soon. www.gandi.net/news/en/2016-11-28/9984-new_email_change_procedure/

2. Recently-delegated TLDs
This month we looked into a few strange interactions between community and TLDs. In particular, that took the form of .free, .food, .box, .cruise, and .boston. Things get a little weird, but don't be afraid. Take a walk on the wild side: www.gandi.net/news/en/2016-12-09/10089-recently-delegated_tlds_december_2016/

3. Two Million Domains Managed
As a quick note on another milestone marking the passage of time, just a couple weeks ago we surpassed two million domains managed at Gandi, out of 728 (for now) TLDs. Which is a good opportunity to take stock of the fact that we now manage more than two million email addresses, close to 50,000 SSL certificates, and a couple of hundred thousand hosted websites and applications. Of course, none of it would be possible without all 121 gandians across four offices on three continents in Paris, Luxembourg, San Francisco, and Taipei. This is the core team that will take us into 2017 towards the next two million domains, which also thanks to you, our customer and fan base, will happen much sooner than the first two million.

4. 2016 at Gandi: A Year in Review
Of course with the year coming to an end along with year end listicles about the craziest things that happened in 2016 and lists of the top everything that came out this year, we threw in our own year-end review, this time looking at Gandi news articles, TLDs released this year and
looking back at our recently-delegated TLD feature. Take a look back at this past year with us:

5. TLD Release Calendar
Only a couple of TLDs were released this month, but they were both good ones. The highly anticipated .art entered the Sunrise phase and the equally exciting .cam entered the GoLive phase.
  • Wednesday 7 December: .art (Sunrise)
  • Wednesday 14 December: .cam (GoLive)

6. Promo round up
Our promos are 100% organic, free-range, grass-fed, rambling about the open range. But once a month we wrangle them all together in one place so you can take your pick of the herd.
Here's this month's Promo Roundup.:
Ending 31 December:

Only in December:

Ongoing promos:
Or just keep track of all our promos here: www.gandi.net/news/tag/en/promos_tld

In 2015 we celebrated 15 years in business, in 2016 we hit the two million domains mark, but did we miss something? Or are you lonely and want to chat?
Here's how you can reach us:
and on the #gandi channel on Freenode. \o/

Sincerely — The Gandi Team

Back to school, back to business and back to promos

Update: Price and rule change for .fi
Historically, .fi domains have only been open to Finnish residents and companies, but as of 3:00 AM PDT on September 5, .fi will bust wide open for anyone and everyone. The .fi TLD has lot of good options, too. To lighten the load on anyone who wants to give a .fi domain a shot and to celebrate the new found .fi-dom, we're also running a promotion on new .fi domains. Find out all the details: www.gandi.net/news/en/2016-08-29/9145-rule_change_and_a_promo_for_.fi/

Wizishop: .shop's ambassador to France
The release of the new TLD .shop is a little bit more special than the typical nTLD release. That's because one of our long-time partners and resellers, Wizishop, who run an e-commerce platform, have been selected to participate in .shop's Pioneer Program. Gandi supported their application and we're proud they were selected to .shop's «ambassador to France.» We even did a press release to make the announcement that much more official. Read the full press release: fr.gandi.press/135247-wizishop-french-pioneer-on-the-new-shop-frontier

Recently-delegated TLDs
As for the bleeding edge of the new TLD program, there are still a lot of Brand TLDs being delegated right now, but we also found four somewhat controversial TLDs that were quietly delegated this past month, and one in particular that took a rocky road to get there. Follow the drama in full: www.gandi.net/news/en/2016-09-06/9301-recently-delegated_tlds_september_2016/

Kernel Recipes
Gandi is a proud partner once again this year of Kernel Recipes, happening this month in Paris from September 28 through 30. It's already full but you can still follow the live tweet and see presentations online on the event site. Learn about Kernel Recipes: kernel-recipes.org/en/2016/

TLD Release Calendar
Here are this month's new TLD releases (and the phase they'll be entering).
Thursday September 1:
  • .shop (Landrush)

Wednesday September 14:
  • .games (Landrush)

Wednesday September 21:
  • .games (GoLive)

Thursday September 22:
  • .makeup (Sunrise)

Monday September 26:
  • .shop (Golive)

Wednesday September 28:
  • .shopping (Golive)

Promo Roundup
And not to bury the lede too much, but if September is anything this year it's promo month. We've wrassled up the best of them and brought them to straight to you, still kicking. Find all our promos on: www.gandi.net/news/tag/en/promos_tld

Only in September:
  • .mx €13.30
  • .global €20.00
  • .club €5.16 (50% off)

Also ending September 30:
  • .fi €12.00 (see the article above)

Starting September 1:
  • Premium .online, .press, .store, .tech, .website on sale
  • .barcelona €25.00 through October 31
  • .link €4.00 through November 30
  • .photo €4.50 through November 30
  • .brussels,.vlaanderen €$5.00 through October 31
  • .audio, .hiphop, .guitars €6.95, €9.87, and €12.48 through November 30

Ongoing promotions:
  • .store €7.99 per year in GoLive through December 31
  • .stream €2.00 per year in GoLive
  • .me €9.60 through December 31
  • .accountant, .bid, .cricket, .date, .download, .faith, .loan, .party,
  • .racing, .review, .science, .trade, .webcam, .win €2.00 per year through December 31
  • .live, .studio, .video 50% off through December 31
  • .online, .press, .website, .site, .host, .space, .pw, .tech on promo through December 31
  • .tech, .online, .site renewals 50% off through December 31
  • .xyz €3.99 per year through December 31
  • .black, .blue, .pink, .red, .lgbt, .kim, .shiksha, .poker, .pro, .info,
  • .mobi, .移动 50% off until December 31 (previously June 30)
  • .gdn €3.99 until until December 31