RunAbove Innovation zone - Dedicated Server labs closing

Thanks for beta testing our Dedicated servers, on So you Start and RunAbove Labs. Your feedbacks will help us improve the service and match products to your needs.
These public beta Labs will now end. You will no longer be able to renew your server and the last month of your subscription will be refunded.
Here is the list of the labs about to be closed:
- 1501 – E3-1231v3 CPU Servers
- 1502 – i7-4790k CPU Servers
- 1507 – E3-1285v4 CPU Servers
- 1508 – TITAN-X GPU Servers
- 1521 – GTX GPU Servers
- 1527 – i7-6700k CPU Servers
- 162 – ARM Servers
- 1513 – NVMe disk Servers
Therefore we invite you to backup all data stored on your server before the Friday, December 9th. If you don't complete a backup, service will be desactivated and data erased.
If you want to keep on using those configurations, most of them are available on dedicated servers website.
If you have any question, please subscribe to our public mailing-list: (to subscribe, write to:
Kind regards, OVH RunAbove Team
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