400 серверов меняли детали

There are still ~2000 ips that are still down on multiple hosts. Tech in DC working on it.
— pci / vps
64 hosts with
1000 VPS/PCI
no issue on ceph
A technician manages about 25 heavy interventions per day. With 400 issues to solve, the calculation is simple: we need between 15 to 25 technicians to complete the incident. That's why the teams take turns since yesterday noon thanks to the staff who arrived from the others DCs. OneTeam
У нас осталось чуть меньше 400 серверов. У нас есть все типы аппаратных проблем с этими серверами, и мы заменяем их к концу дня.

  • PCI/VPS: there is 10 hosts that has to be reparted. the host is very complex and we need 1H per host.
  • Servers (SYS/OVH) We have 200 serveurs that the hardware issues that we are working on.
Выделенные серверы OVH
Выделенные серверы Hetzner

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