
Host1Plus Хостинг

1 читатель, 11 топиков

Clouds in Los Angeles are ready for sale

Scale with Host1Plus Cloud and Premium Dedicated servers in Los Angeles. This location provides excellent connectivity throughout the West Coast and Asia.

Our new servers are all equipped with SSD storage and newest CPU. New features provide increased stability, as well as ensuring server reliability.

You are also able to expand your worldwide connectivity by assigning up to 2048 IP addresses to your infrastructure.



Changes Regarding Host1Plus Services

We would like to inform you that recently some changes were made regarding our services. Unfortunately, we no longer provide dedicated server hosting. Since we‘re highly concentrating on our virtual hosting and improvement of its quality, we have reached a decision to remove dedicated server hosting from our website.

Please note, that all affiliate banners, links, coupons, etc. that are promoting dedicated server hosting, were removed and are no longer visible. Hence, if you have any dedicated server hosting banners or links shared, please remove them because they‘re invalid.
Good news is that we‘ll launch new promos at the beginning of February with new banners. You will receive a separate email about these discounts in detail.
Thank you for being with us!
Kind regards,
Aiste Lenartaviciute
Host1Plus Affiliate Manager

Christmas Promotions Coming

Since Christmas is coming, currently we are launching our new hosting promotions that will be active from 2015-12-01 till 2015-12-31. So here they are:
  • SANTAWEB — Web hosting Personal, Business and Business Pro plans -45% for up to 6-24 month billing cycles. For new and existing clients. Can be used once.
  • SANTAVPS — VPS -20% for 3-12 month billing cycles except Amber plan. For new and existing clients. Can be used more than once.
  • AFRICAVPS50 — VPS in South Africa -50% for 3-12 month billing cycles except Amber plan. For new and existing clients. Can be used more than once. (While stocks last)
You can find all the new banners by logging in to your client area.
Navigate to «Banners & Links» folder -> unfold «English Banners» -> unfold «Hosting Promotions» and click on «Active to 2015-12-31”.
In this section you will find our latest promotions and cut off prices for our services. All of the banners are brand new fresh!
P.S. Do not forget to remove the old promotional banners which are no longer active. In the attachment, please find the example of how the banners look like.

Black Friday Promotion

Since Black Friday is coming, we are launching new hosting promotion that will be available till 30th November:

BLACKFRIDAY — VPS -30% for 3, 6, or 12 months billing cycle. Every VPS service bought will include 2 free backups.
We will also launch new promos at the beginning of December with new banners. You will receive a separate email about these discounts in detail.
P.S. Do not forget to remove the old promotional banners which are no longer active.
I hope you will be happy with our new deals and promotions.
Thank you for being with us!
Regards, Aiste Lenartaviciute
Host1Plus Communication Manager

New Promotions Coming Your Way

Since our old hosting promos have ended, currently we are launching our new hosting promotions that will be active from 2015-11-04 till 2015-12-08. So here they are:
  • GETWEB40 — Web hosting Personal, Business and Business Pro plans -40% for up to 3-12 month billing cycles. For new clients. Can be used once.
  • GETRESELL30 — Reseller hosting -30% for 3-12 month billing cycles. For new clients. Can be used once.

In these sections you will find our latest promotions and cut off prices for our services. All of the banners are brand new fresh!

Brazil, South Africa, Germany, USA

USA (Chicago, Los Angeles)
  • 768MB RAM
  • 1 vCPU Core
  • 30GB HDD space
  • 1TB traffic
  • 50Mbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • OpenVZ/Custom Control Panel
  • Coupon: SPLASH
  • $5/month $2/month

South Africa (Johannesburg)
  • 768MB RAM
  • 1 vCPU Core
  • 30GB HDD space
  • 1TB traffic
  • 50Mbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • OpenVZ/Custom Control Panel
  • Coupon: VPSZA75
  • $6.50/month $1.62/month

Network information
  • Frankfurt am Main, Germany IPv4 test:
  • São Paulo, Brazil IPv4 test:
  • Johannesburg, South Africa IPv4 test:
  • Chicago IL, USA IPv4 test:
  • Los Angeles, CA, USA IPv4 test:

For those interested with host node information. In Los Angeles, they are using Intel E5-2650 V2 and E5-2640 V2 on a 1Gbit shared network. In Chicago, they have Intel E5-2620 v3 on a 10Gbit shared network. For Brazil, they are using Intel E5-2440 on a 1Gbit shared network. And lastly, their Germany location uses L5630 on a 1Gbit shared network.

Aurimas also told us some exciting addition to their service. DDoS protection (Staminus) is now available in their USA, Brazil and South Africa locations. They have now implemented DNS management. 1-Click Installer is now available that can be used to install WordPress, OpenVPN, ISPConfig, and cPanel.


Host1Plus промо Августа

Since our old hosting promos have ended (except South Africa promotion), currently we are launching our new hosting promotions that will be active from 2015-08-10 till 2015-10-15. So here they are:
  • WEB50OFF — Web hosting -50% for up to 1-6 months billing cycle. For new clients. Can be used once.
  • VPS30OFF — VPS -30% for 1-3 month billing cycles. For new clients. Can be used once.
  • DED30OFF — Dedicated -30% for 1-3 month billing cycles. For new clients. Can be used once.
  • RESELL35OFF — Reseller hosting -35% for 1-3 month billing cycles. For new clients. Can be used once.
