
DigitalOcean Хостинг

9 читателей, 79 топиков

Block Storage is here! Scale storage independently of your

up to 16TB — $0.10/GB per month

Highly Available and Redundant
Block Storage stores data on hardware that is separated from the Droplet and replicated multiple times across different racks, reducing the chances of data loss in the event of hardware failure.

Scalable and Flexible
You can easily scale up and resize your Storage volumes from 1GB to 16TB and move them between Droplets via the control panel or API. As your storage needs grow, you can expand an existing volume or add more volumes to your Droplet.

Reliable and Secure
All the data is encrypted at rest and transmitted to the Droplets over isolated networks.

Multiple Regions
You can create Block Storage volumes right now in NYC1 and our new SFO2 region. FRA1 is next in line and will be available in the coming weeks. We’re working quickly to expand to other regions. More updates to come.

Getting Started
When you log in to your dashboard, you will see a new Volumes tab that has an overview of your volumes:

You will also be able to add volumes right from a Droplet’s page

Once you have a volume attached to your Droplet, use the simple copy and paste instructions displayed on your dashboard to configure it. For more information on working with your Block Storage volumes, read our community tutorials about Linux filesystems and tools and our introduction to Block Storage.

Like all DigitalOcean resources, you can also automate provisioning using our brand new volumes API or doctl, the official DigitalOcean command-line client.

Introducing Our Bangalore Region: BLR1

We’re excited to announce the launch of our newest datacenter region: BLR1, located in Bangalore, India.

BLR1 includes the same full range of features found in every other region, including 40GbE networking and the latest model of SSDs.

Pricing will also remain consistent across all of our datacenters worldwide, including Bangalore, with cloud servers starting at $5 USD per month.

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SGP Network Maintenance 2016-05-16 16:00 UTC

During the above window the network team will be performing some proactive software upgrades on network infrastructure in SGP1. These upgrades are to enable new features to improve the performance and resilience of the network platform.

Expected Impact:
During the change window users will be unable to perform Droplet actions (e.g. create, destroy, resize) for approximately 30 minutes. There will be no impact to already running Droplets.

Approximately 30 minutes prior to the maintenance we will post an update on status.digitalocean.com and periodic updates will follow as work progresses.

Please do not hesitate to contact support if you have any additional questions or concerns. You may do so by opening a ticket, or replying to this email.

Thank you,
DigitalOcean Network Team

Check out what we've been working on

Here’s What’s New
We’ve been busy building better ways to help you deploy and manage your Droplets at scale. We’re excited to share some recent improvements you might have missed!

UI Improvements
“Multiple Droplet Create” feature
We spend a lot of time trying to understand how users interact with our control panel and we’ve noticed that spinning up multiple Droplets can be a tedious task. So we’ve made it easier for you to scale your infrastructure by launching up to 10 Droplets in just a few clicks (or a simple API call).
Control Panel Improvements
Our product design team has been shipping iterative improvements to the control panel. Recent updates include:
  • Improved notifications
  • Enable backups for active Droplets
  • More intuitive graphs
  • New window for the web console
If you haven’t seen it in a while, check out the updates to your control panel.

Droplet tagging via the API
Another problem we’ve been tackling is the management of large numbers of Droplets. A first step is extending our API to support Droplet tagging. Tagging, combined with configuration management tools like Chef, Puppet, Salt, and Ansible, can offer a powerful mechanism for inventorying and automating your systems.

New Command Line Interface (CLI)
As developers ourselves, we spend a lot of time on the command line. That’s why we’ve introduced doctl, a command line interface for managing all of your DigitalOcean resources. It is completely open source and available on GitHub. We’re excited to be able to share this with our community and look forward to collaborating on building a tool we hope you’ll love.

Block storage
We’ve been working on a block storage service that allows users to attach expandable storage to your Droplet. It will be available to all this summer, but you can request beta access now.
New datacenter

Our first datacenter in India — BLR1 — is coming soon to Bangalore.

We’ve updated our Terms of Service policy — what you need to know

We’ve updated our terms of service to reflect our credit expiration policy and want to provide clarity around what types of credit will expire, and when. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Promotional credit will expire 12 months after it has been issued or redeemed. This includes referral sign-up credit, promotion codes you’ve entered, or credit issued by DigitalOcean staff.
  2. Referral and SLA credit will now expire after 12 months of account inactivity, and no sooner than May 2017. This includes credits earned from referring customers to DigitalOcean and SLA credits.

If you're interested in reviewing a detailed explanation of the changes, be sure to read our terms of service changelog or our blog post.

AMS DNS Connectivity

Thu Mar 17 15:30:29 2016
Our networking team is still investigating issues with Google DNS in our AMS regions. During this time we recommend changing your droplet to another DNS provider, such as OpenDNS. If you need assistance with this, feel free to open a support ticket. We will provide an update as soon as one is available.

Thu Mar 17 15:06:00 2016
At this time our networking team is still investigating issues with Google DNS in our AMS regions. During this time we recommend changing your droplet to another DNS provider, such as OpenDNS. If you need assistance with this, feel free to open a support ticket. We will update you as soon as we have more information.

Thu Mar 17 14:54:38 2016
At this time our networking team is still investigating issues around DNS lookups in our AMS regions. During this time you may continue to see issues resolving domain names from your droplets in these regions. We will update you as soon as we have more information.

Thu Mar 17 14:36:20 2016
At this time our engineering team is still investigating network connectivity issues within our AMS regions around DNS lookups. During this time you may continue to see issues resolving domain names from your droplets. We will update you as soon as we have more information.

Thu Mar 17 14:10:19 2016
Our engineering team is investigating reports of network connectivity issues within our AMS regions around DNS lookups. During this time you may have issues resolving domain names from your droplets. We will update you as soon as we have more information.

31 Days, 4 Pull Requests, 1000s of Stories: Looking Back at Hacktoberfest

When we completed our first Hacktoberfest in 2014, we had 768 participants, and happily sent out T-shirts across the globe. We were eager to see what 2015 would bring, but we could never have expected the huge response we received this year!

This year, we partnered with GitHub to lay down the challenge: submit four pull requests on GitHub to an open source project, and we’ll send you a free limited edition T-shirt.

As Hacktoberfest wound down and the numbers and stories began trickling — and then pouring — in, we were overwhelmed by the results that we saw. 14,419 people signed up. 5,708 people created four pull requests. And 1,060 went above and beyond, submitting over 10 each in the month of October.

We were blown away by the stories people shared about their Hacktoberfest experience. Here are just some of our favorite ones from around the world:

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Start Architecting Your Applications for High Availability with Floating IPs

We're excited to launch Floating IPs, a way to architect highly-available systems or applications on DigitalOcean!

Floating IPs help prevent single points of failure by allowing you to move one IP address between different Droplets in the same datacenter. This makes it possible to set up standby Droplets, ready to receive your production traffic at a moment’s notice.

Discover how to set up redundant load balancers that automatically failover with the help of this configuration tutorial. Additionally, Floating IPs can be used for application upgrades. Spin up a new Droplet, run the upgrades on the new Droplet, and switch the flow of traffic to the new Droplet.

Learn more about what Floating IPs are and how to use them on DigitalOcean with this tutorial.