OpenVZ VPS in West Palm Beach

These offers are located in the somewhat rare location of West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.

512MB vSwap
2x vCPU
50GB HDD space
500GB transfer
1Gbps uplink
1x IPv4
Coupon: lowendbox1
Order here

768MB vSwap
2x vCPU
75GB HDD space
750GB transfer
1Gbps uplink
1x IPv4
Coupon: lowendbox2
Order here

1024MB RAM
1024MB vSwap
2x vCPU
100GB HDD space
1000GB transfer
1Gbps uplink
1x IPv4
Coupon: lowendbox2
Order here

Network information
CloudSouth – West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Looking glass:

Арендовать мощный сервер в США за небольшие деньги? Легко

Великолепный DELL R210, 16GB RAM и 2х2Tb HDD.
Задумались о размещении проектов за океаном, или может быть вам просто нужен выход в сеть на Американском континенте? Вашему бизнесу нужны новые возможности для развития? Тогда позвольте обратить ваше внимание на этот замечательный образчик семейства серверов DELL.

Мощный процессор, 16 гигабайт оперативной памяти и 2 жестких диска по 2 терабайта обеспечат стабильную работу и перспективу роста для широчайшего спектра проектов.

Серверы ServerClub установлены в одном из лучших дата центров США, техническая поддержка осуществляется 24/7/365, а при заказе до конца марта услуга мониторинга будет включена в заказ абсолютно бесплатно на весь срок аренды.

Стоимость аренды для подписчиков составляет всего 139$ в месяц.

Low-budget IPv4 and IPv4-NAT from €3/year – NanoVZ/MegaVZ/BudgetVZ

Ryan, from evoBurst, has sent in these offers from his three brands: NanoVZ (IPv4-NAT VPS with low resources), MegaVZ (IPv4-NAT VPS with high resources), and BudgetVZ (IPv4 VPS with low or high resources). These are all paid annually. The MegaVZ1024 (listed after you click ‘Read more’) even has an exclusive discount.

  • 128MB RAM
  • 128MB vSwap
  • 1x vCPU
  • 3GB HDD space
  • 500GB transfer
  • 1Gbps uplink
  • 20x IPv4 NAT
  • 1x IPv4 NAT (SSH)
  • IPv6 subnet
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM
  • €3/year

  • 1GB RAM
  • 1GB vSwap
  • 1x vCPU
  • 25GB HDD space
  • 1500GB transfer
  • 1Gbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • /64 IPv6
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM
  • €10/year

evoBurst is a registered company in Australia and has been registered since October 2014. They’ve quickly gained quite some following and attention with their amazing offers. I can even attest to the quality of BudgetVZ as I quite happily use one of those machines myself for VPS and it’s rock-solid. The locations vary between the brands, as do the IPv6 subnet allocations, and the host nodes. All nodes have at least RAID1, some may have RAID10, and a 1Gbps uplink. More information on this is inside. There are special bundles which can get you multiple machines for a lower price, for example: 5x NANO128 would normally cost €15/year, but as a bundle it will cost you €10/year! How’s that for a discount! As always, please share your experiences with these guys in the comments.

  • 1GB RAM
  • 1GB vSwap
  • 1x vCPU
  • 7GB HDD space
  • 500GB transfer
  • 1Gbps uplink
  • 20x IPv4 NAT
  • 1x IPv4 NAT (SSH)
  • IPv6 subnet
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM
  • Coupon: LET1024MB
  • €5/year

  • 512MB RAM
  • 512MB vSwap
  • 1x vCPU
  • 15GB HDD space
  • 1000GB transfer
  • 1Gbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • /64 IPv6
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM
  • €7/year

Payments are accepted via PayPal, Stripe, or Bitcoin (Bitpay). There are a lot more offers available on their website that fall within the LowEnd price-range so be sure to check that out. Before you order, please read the Terms of Service (they are the same for all the brands as far as I know).

IPv6 subnet size
  • DE: /64
  • NC: /64
  • FR: /80
  • LA: /80
  • KC: /80

Network information

Dacentec – Lenoir, North Carolina, USA
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2607:5600::c7bf:385a‏

QuadraNet – Los Angeles, California, USA
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2607:fcd0:0:a::2

ProviderService – Dusseldorf, Germany
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2a02:e00:ffff:56:ffff:ffff:12a7:8cef

Datashack – Kansas City, Missouri, USA
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2604:4300:a:1:c000::1

OVH – Roubaix, France
NanoVZ and MegaVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2001:41d0:2:876a::1

QuickPacket – Atlanta, Georgia, USA
BudgetVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2607:3f00:1:100::2

Incero – Seattle, Washington, USA
BudgetVZ only
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2604:880:8:2::2

49$/month Quad Core 16GB dedicated server in Phoenix, AZ, USA
  • Intel Xeon x3470 Quad Core CPU
  • 16GB RAM
  • 1TB hard drive WD RE4
  • 1TB transfer
  • 10Mbps uplink
  • Dedicated server

CityWideHost was founded in 2005, focusing on Shared, Reseller and VPS hosting. Their domain was also registered on the same year. They had their company registered as “Web Services of Arizona LLC” back in 2012 with Corporate Identification Number L18079452. Note that they are owned by their parent company coloAZ, also based in Phoenix Arizona.

Available payment methods only includes PayPal and Credit Card. Note that their website states that “All Payments Are Non-Refundable”. Be sure to check their Terms Of Service, Refund Policy and Acceptable Use Policy before buying any service.

Network information
PhoenixNAP – Phoenix, AZ, USA