
Виталий Никсенкин

У нас изменился адрес офиса в Москве

С 16 ноября 2016 офис eServer.ru располагается по адресу:
г. Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., д. 33Г, второй этаж.

На территории работает пропускной режим. Просим Вас уведомлять о своем визите заранее через запрос на сайте или по телефону +7 499 704 69 79. С картой и планом проезда Вы можете ознакомиться www.eserver.ru/about/map-office.xhtml

Офис в БЦ Гринвуд с 16.11.2016 закрыт. Почтовый и юридический адреса компании остаются без изменения.

DPML, .org promo and more

Have you been paying attention?

This month has been full of distractions (though let's not go there). But relax. We're hear to catch you up on what you may have missed at Gandi.

Let's start with a new, limited-time option from Donuts for new gTLDs called DPML Plus. We'll guide you through what regular old DPML is and then see what's changing and what the Plus is for.

Then we'll stop off at .org for an excellent promo that just got going.

After that, in case you missed it, we'll give you a rundown on what we've been up to. We've been busy this past month and this coming one, both inside our offices and outside.

And then we'll see what ICANN's been up to, at least in terms of delegating new strings, with this month's Recently-delegated TLDs update.

And as always, we'll peak at the TLD release calendar and then round up this month's promos.

Anyway we know it's so easy for things to slip by when you're not watching. That's why we're summing it all up here.

1. Changes to Donuts's DPML protection
While it may be of general interest to just about anyone, Donuts's DPML protection programme is mostly of interest to those who own trademarks and want to protect them across new TLDs. If that's you and you didn't catch our rundown of the changes to the programme, we suggest looking into it. At least before the end of the year when things really change.

What it is and what changed: www.gandi.net/news/en/2016-11-07/9765-changes_to_donutss_dpml_protection/

2. Half-price .org domains
Another time-sensitive bit of news that we wouldn't want you miss this month is that .org domains are currently half-price on the first year of registration. Take a look at our full promo roundup below and you'll notice that most of them are new TLDs. It's pretty rare to see such a significant promo on an old standby like .org. And this one's only good for first 5,000 domains created and only goes until the end of the year, so get them while they're still hot.

Get a half-price .org while you can: www.gandi.net/news/en/2016-11-01/9714-half-price_on_new_.org_domains/

3. Events at Gandi
We've had a busy month across our various offices. Here's just a few
things we've been up to.

— Kernel Recipes
Running from September 28 through 30 in Paris, Gandi helped sponsor Kernel Recipes, consisting of three days off talks, totally about 20 talks, plus «lightning» talks. If the name doesn't make it obvious, Kernel Recipes largely revolves around discussion of open source, especially kernel.org.

For photos, videos, and more for this year's event, check them out on the Kernel Recipes site.

— CaliOpen
Since 2013, we've been sponsoring the open source messaging project CaliOpen as one of our premier sponsored projects. This past month, CaliOpen announced that they'd secured financing from BPIFrance.

If you don't yet know of CaliOpen, it's an open source project to make secure electronic communication of all forms easy. For details, check out CaliOpen's site.

— Holberton School
On the US side of things, we've opened our doors up to Holberton School, a project-based, peer learning programming school. We're devoting a portion of our office space in SoMA in San Francisco as a co-working space and we've been glad to see them stopping by.

You can find out more about Holberton School on their website.
Or read the press release or even this cio.com article or more information on the help we're providing.

See photos and videos from Kernel Recipes 2016: kernel-recipes.org/en/2016/all-the-videos/
Check out CaliOpen (in French): caliopen.org/about
Find out more about Holberton School: www.holbertonschool.com/about

4. Events outside Gandi
— M3AAWG Paris
From October 24 through October 27 members of our abuse team based in Paris (they mitigate abuse, not deal it out, in case you were wondering) attended M3AAWG, the Messaging Malware Anti-Abuse Working Group. M3AAWG is a critical part of developing best practices for combating online spam, fraud, and malware online We're happy to be able to participate in M3AAWG meetings and just as previous meetings have taken place right in our neighbourhood in San Francisco, this time our home city of Paris was selected, which is convenient for us.
— ICANN Hyderabad
We've been covering a lot of ICANN related news lately, and maybe that was in part out of anticipation for ICANN57.

ICANN57 just wrapped up in Hyderabad and according to some changes in the structure and rhythm of ICANN meetings approved back in 2014, ICANN57 was a little longer than ICANN56, lasting a full seven days, with two public forum sessions.

While, admittedly, a great depth of material isn't available, a good starting point for anyone who missed ICANN57 but are curious about the meeting is ICANN's blog.

Otherwise, we also use this meeting as a chance to meet face-to-face with many of our partners up and down the domain name food chain, and it was of course great to have that opportunity as well.

As for future events, as the year comes to a close and the winter Federal holiday season approaches, we don't expect a lot of upcoming events. However, keep on eye on our meet up page for The Root Zone [www.meetup.com/The-Root-Zone ], our periodic DNS-themed meet up we
coordinate with CloudFlare.

M3AAWG: www.m3aawg.org/
ICANN Blog: www.icann.org/news/blog

5. Recently-Delegated TLDs
While battles for this month's batch of newly delegated TLDs are long over, in case you missed them, this past month's recently-delegated new TLDs post focuses on the question of who is better suited to be awarded the contract for a new gTLD: an organisation or company already closely
associated with the TLD or a large «portfolio» registry?

Find out how this month's TLDs answer that question:

6. TLD release Calendar
Not many TLDs will be or have already been released this month, but there are a few. In particular, we wanted to highlight .blog, entering the GoLive phase 21 November. This is a great opportunity to do some one-stop shopping by getting a .blog and attaching it to a Simple
Hosting instance with one-click Wordpress installation (see for
more information):

Tuesday 8 November:
  • .makeup (GoLive)

Monday 21 November:
  • .blog (GoLive)

Wednesday 27 November:
  • .xn--fjq720a («entertainment») (GoLive)
  • .xn--vhquv («company») (GoLive)
  • .xn--czrs0t («shop») (GoLive)
  • .xn--unup4y («games») (GoLive)
Stay tuned for updates!

7. Promo Roundup
Yeehaww we're rounding up a whole herd of promos this month (including that .org one we mentioned above) in this month's Promo Roundup. Catch up with the full roundup below:

Only in November:
.top creations €1.00 and renewals half-price:
.club renewals reduced-price:
.me just €5.00:
.eu half-price:

Starting 1 November:
.org half-price through 31 December — first 5,000 domains only!

Starting 7 November:
.markets, .trading 75% off first year through 12 February:

Starting 8 November:
.shop creation for €10.00 until 31 January:
Ending 30 November:
.design €10.00 through 30 November:
.link €4.00 through 30 November:
.photo €4.50 through 30 November:
.audio, .hiphop, .guitars €6.95, €9.87, and €12.48 through 30 November:

Ongoing promotions:
.cat €5.00 through 11 January:
.live, .studio, .video half-price through 31 December:
.desi half-price through 31 December:
.store €7.99 per year in GoLive through 31 December
.stream €2.00 per year in GoLive:
.accountant, .bid, .cricket, .date, .download, .faith, .loan, .party,
.racing, .review, .science, .trade, .webcam, .win €2.00 per year through
31 December:
.live, .studio, .video 50% off through 31 December
.online, .press, .website, .site, .host, .space, .pw, .tech on promo through 31 December:
.tech, .online, .site renewals 50% off through 31 December:
.xyz €3.99 per year through December 31:
.black, .blue, .pink, .red, .lgbt, .kim, .shiksha, .poker, .pro, .info, .mobi, .移动 50% off until 31 December (previously 30 June):
.gdn €1.50 until until 31 December:

With plenty out there to distract this month, we wouldn't be surprised if you missed a few of the things we talked about above. We hope you've caught up now. But did we miss something? Or maybe you just miss us and need someone to talk to. Either way, tweet us @gandibar, email us at feedback@gandi.net, on Facebook, G+, or contact us on the #gandi channel on Freenode. \o/

Sincerely, Gandi.net

Мы отмечаем 16-летие! Для вас подарки и важные новости!

16 ноября мы отмечаем 16-летие компании!
День рождения — отличный повод начать всё с нового листа. А мы начинаем с нового сайта, созданного для удобства наших клиентов и партнеров.

Рады представить Вам ДОМЕНЫ.РУС — это новый бренд проекта Webnames.ru. Его можно найти как по новому адресу домены.рус, так и на при­выч­ном домене webnames.ru. (Прежняя версия сайта также будет доступна и продолжит функци­онировать в привычном режиме).

Уверены, что ДОМЕНЫ.РУС станут новым брендом Рунета и будут способ­ство­вать развитию интернет-адресации на родном русском языке! Ждём Вас на новом сайте!

  • Национальные российские домены: .RU,.РФ и .SU.
  • Национальные домены стран Ближнего Зарубежья: .BY,.БЕЛ,.УКР, .KZ.
  • Популярные международные домены: .COM, .NET, .INFO.
  • Кириллические домены.МОСКВА,.ДЕТИ,.ОНЛАЙН,.САЙТ.
  • Несколько сотен тематических доменов верхнего уровня: .TATAR, .PARTY, .CLUB, .WIN, .SITE.

Конструктор Webnames.ru позволит самостоятельно создать современный, функцио­нальный и эффек­тивный сайт. Воспользуйтесь новым бесплатным конс­труктором Webnames.ru и сделайте именно такой сайт, который Вам нужен!

Регистрация товарного знака в Роспатенте — это гаран­тия того, что права на данный домен принадле­жат именно вам. Воспользуйтесь промо-кодом R9OE2W, чтобы получить скидку 16% на защиту Вашего домена.

Шаблоны TemplateMonster: профессиональный дизайн для любого веб-проекта

23 000 шаблонов сайтов на ваш вкус
Шаблоны TemplateMonster от REG.RU — это огромный выбор различных макетов для сайтов. Всё, что вам нужно сделать: выбрать решение, указать вашу почту и оплатить заказ. Никаких бессонных ночей и сорванных сроков! Несколько минут и оригинальный профессиональный шаблон станет вашим.

Сайт любой направленности всего в несколько кликов
Наш каталог с удобной фильтрацией по типу и тематике позволит подобрать решение для проекта любой направленности и получить качественный дизайн для новостного ресурса, интернет-магазина, персонального блога или корпоративного сайта. Вам доступны следующие типы шаблонов:
— шаблоны для популярных CMS (Joomla, Drupal, WordPress),
— Flash,
— PSD,
— Landing Page и многое другое.

Веб-дизайн — просто и без усилий
С помощью TemplateMonster вы получите современный шаблон сайта, не обладая навыками дизайна. Это обойдётся в разы дешевле, чем заказ такого же в веб-студии. При желании можно оформить уникальные права на выбранный шаблон, дизайн которого в будущем будет принадлежать исключительно вам. Реализуйте вашу идею уже сегодня!


STORE — теперь за 790 рублей

Уважаемые партнеры!
Регистрация доменов в специализированной зоне для сферы торговли — .STORE — стала доступнее на 85%. Красивое имя для вашего бизнеса теперь можно приобрести всего за 790 рублей.


Возвращаем деньги

Объявляем о начале новой акции.
Суть акции — вы оплачиваете наши услуги, а мы возвращаем до 70% от полученной суммы на ваш счет.
Распорядится деньгами вы можете как угодно, продлить услугу, заказать новую, зарегистрировать домен.

  • При оплате за виртуальный хостинг, не зависимо от периода оплаты, возвращаем 70% от суммы оплаты.
  • При оплате за виртуальные сервера, не зависимо от периода оплаты, возвращаем 50% от суммы оплаты.
  • При оплате за выделенные сервера, не зависимо от периода оплаты, возвращаем 30% от суммы оплаты.

Основные условия и правила.
  • Период проведения акции: с 15.11.2016 по 15.12.2016
  • Начисление производится в течение 24 часов после оплаты наших услуг на платежи, выполненные в период проведения акции.
  • Начисленными средствами вы можете оплатить любую нашу услугу.
  • Каждый клиент может воспользоваться данным предложением неограниченное количество раз в период действия акции.
  • Начисление не производится при пополнении баланса, либо, по запросу через тикеты перед пополнением
  • Вывод средств начисленных по акции не возможен.

С уважением, команда ООО ВЕБСТИКС webstix.ru

ICANN accredited domain registrar at your service

We are happy to announce our domain registrar — Pananames.com
which joined our holding XBT.com
Pananames has ICANN accreditation and works with all domain registries directly. You can be sure you will get full control over your domain names.

Pananames.com offers domain registration services in 100+ different TLDs from classic .com, .net., .org to new TLDs like .top, .xyz, .xxx and many others. Full list is available at pananames.com/index/pricing

We do have API for your needs and ready to use module for WHMCS billing system.

You will be protected with our abuse policy. We always inform about abuse notices and give reasonable time to reply while other registrars just suspend domain names.

All our customers enjoy free whois privacy and a lot of promotions. Our promotion prices start from $0.95 USD for first year.

Visit us today at pananames.com
If you have any questions, our support team will be happy to assist you
at support@pananames.com

Stay tuned! We are going to announce VIP domain registrar for the most valuable and expensive domain names.

Запланирован переезд

16 Ноября, Среда, в 10 утра по МСК. Дата Центр SafeData М9.
Запланирован переезд нашего оборудования в новые стойки.
К сожалению мы вынуждены это сделать, так как мест уже не хватает для расширения наших услуг и новых клиентов.
Перерыв в работе серверов должен составить не более 2х часов.
Приносим извинения за доставленные неудобства.

Clearance deals & new configs in 3 locations!

OneCloud SSD Virtual Servers Düsseldorf, DE
We are now offering very affordable configurations in Düsseldorf. The stocks are limited, so make sure to grab one here before it’s too late!

AMD Opteron X2150 1.50GHz
1x 32GB SSD + 1x 1TB
1Gbps port speed
Only 19€/month

Intel Atom S1260 2.00GHz
1x 500GB
1Gbps port speed
Only 25€/month

OneCloud SSD Virtual Servers Amsterdam, NL
Our configurations in Amsterdam have been very popular in since their announcement, making them a victim of their own success. Hopefully, they are now back in stock and here is the opportunity for you to finally order one!

Intel Atom C2350 1.70GHz
1x 128GB SSD
1x 500GB HDD
Unmetered traffic
2.5Gbps port speed
Only 15€/month

Intel Atom C2750 2.40GHz
1x 256GB SSD
1x 1TB HDD
Unmetered traffic
2.5Gbps port speed
Only 25€/month

Saint Petersburg, RU
Looking for a dedicated server in Russia? We are now offering configurations in Saint Petersburg at a more competitive price than Moscow! Click here to view all our servers.

Intel Xeon X3430 2.40GHz
1x 1TB HDD
Unmetered traffic
100Mbps port speed
Only 59€/month

Intel Xeon E3-1230 3.20GHz
2x 500GB HDD
Unmetered traffic
100Mbps port speed
Only 85€/month

OneCloud new location: Brussels
As we keep improving our OneCloud infrastructure, we also want to continue releasing new locations. We are thus very happy to announce that OneCloud is now available in Belgium, more specifically in Brussels, making the city the 29th location!
